01MarWatch This Elephant Herd Gently Wake Sleeping Hippos – A-Z AnimalsDo elephants and hippos get along? Watch what happens when a herd … Here’s How
01MarVote now: $281 ready to send for wildlife! – FUZZ – Substack… elephants and farmers, to supporting rangers saving the last 2,500 pygmy hippos on Earth,
01MarSri Lanka deploys 4700 security personnel to protect electric fences amid human-elephant conflictSri Lanka has deployed over 4,700 Civil Security Force personnel to protect the electric fences
01MarSri Lanka reports massive tolls in human-elephant conflicts – The Rising Nepal… protect people, while also ensuring that the wild animals were not harmed. He noted
28FebBotswana’s Elephant Hunting Industry Is Controversial to Some and a Lifeline to OthersThey argue that making wildlife an asset, particularly where economic opportunity is limited, is a
28Feb‘Permission sought to radio-collar four trouble-causing wild elephants in Hassan district’ – The Hindu… SAVE. “We are waiting for the approval from the department to capture four trouble-causing