10MarKerala temple replaces live elephants with life-sized robotic model in animal welfare moveSupported by PETA, the move aims to eliminate animal suffering and encourages other temples to
10MarFed-up Edinburgh cyclist screams ‘elephants’ as he dodges pedestrians in cycle laneDetermined Edinburgh locals in bid to save abandoned mansion from ‘looters’.
10MarUse of cannabis and ICE by Lankan workers may jeopardize Israel job quotas, warns ambassadorLankans ask court to save elephants from accidental death ยท Don’t Miss … Save my
10MarKerala: This Temple Elephant Is Not Real But Robo Version Of The Tusker; Video Viral… protect elephants and send them back to the woods. India’s first robotic elephant was
09MarCould revised train schedules minimise elephant-train collisions? – News FeaturesIt has been revealed that there are several elephant corridors falling via the railway tracks.
09MarSaving Nagarahole: Water tankers step in as several lakes run dry – Star of MysoreTourists visiting the Kakanakote Safari Centre have been treated to mesmerising views of tigers, elephants