29JanAfrican elephants face shocking 70% population decline due to habitat loss and poachingDespite some success in conservation efforts within southern Africa, urgent action is needed to protect
28JanTourist trampled to death by an elephant in South Africa was attempting to save children… save a group of children who were being charged at by a wayward elephant.
28JanTourist Trampled to Death by Elephant After Trying to Protect Grandchildren… save his young grandchildren. Maria Aldrich | 0 Minutes Ago. Kruger National Park elephants
28JanThe Elephants of Peace – video DailymotionThai sanctuary struggles to save elephants, animals after flash floods ยท The Manila Times. 0:54.
28JanTourist trampled to death by elephant in South Africa while trying to save kids – Global NewsOfficials say the tourist was trampled while trying to protect children who left a vehicle
28JanIrrelevant Elephants? Colorado Supreme Court Rules Against Elephantidae Personhood.Laws to protect animals exist. Whether it’s protecting the natural habitats of wildlife by preventing