Adopt An Elephant Orphaned By Poachers

Take action by adopting an elephant from one of these trusted Non-Profits working tirelessly to save and protect elephants.
By adopting an elephant with a donation of $50 or more, you become a partner in The Sanctuary’s efforts to provide the gift of home, herd, rest, refuge, and individualized care for life. Adopt an Elephant donors receive:
- a Certificate of Adoption, including a photo and bio detailing the amazing story of your “adoptee”
- monthly EleNews email updates
- the most recent issue of our triannual newsletter, Trunklines
- eligibility to apply for a Volunteer Day at The Elephant Sanctuary
- a one-year subscription to The Elephant Sanctuary’s triannual newsletter, Trunklines
- a one-time 10% discount on a future purchase of apparel in our Gift Shop